If you have experienced difficulties due to a Paragard IUD, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit.

Unlike many other medical device claims, chances are that you have a really good idea which type and brand of birth control device you ultimately determined to use. You likely chose an intrauterine device (“IUD”) because they are marketed as readily available, easy to use, relatively inexpensive, and very effective birth control, which can be readily removed in the future. However, if you have chosen ParaGard and have experienced injuries or side effects, you may be entitled to compensation.



Complications From Paragard IUD

Teva promoted and marketed the Paragard IUD as safe and effective and without hormones or other side effects of other birth control methods. However, they failed to warn consumers and physicians that the arms of the device could break while being implanted or removed.

The increase in the number of women using IUD devices has been followed by the rise in the number of reports of unexpected side effects and complications. Women have encountered problems with their IUDs migrating inside their bodies or breaking. Additionally, bits and pieces of the IUD have unknowingly been left in women’s bodies after the devices have broken apart while being removed. Surgery to remove the broken pieces is typically necessary, and in some cases, a woman may require a full hysterectomy, eliminating any possibility of future pregnancies she may have desired.

Injuries Associated With Paragard IUD

Broken Paragard IUDs can lead to painful complications, infections, and revisional surgeries. Other injuries and side effects associated with the Paragard IUD include:

  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Migration of the device
  • Copper wire left in the body
  • Pelvic pain
  • Expulsion
  • Infections
  • Scarring
  • Organ damage



Current Paragard Claims

Lawsuits have been filed against Paragard, claiming that the manufacturer, Teva, was aware of the severe injuries possible from breakage of the device either in the uterus or upon removal. Also, the lawsuits claim that the trials Teva performed, plus the experiences and complaints that came to the manufacturer after marketing the IUD, clearly alerted Teva to the serious risks of the product. Still, the company chose not to warn women of the impending dangers.

In one study published by The Open Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, seven cases arose with severe complications from the Paragard. Six of them required hysteroscopic removal of the IUD. With one of the patients, age 28, it was impossible to entirely remove the broken part, even with surgery. Results from this study show that there is an under-reporting of Paragard complications. 

In addition, it was found that medical practitioners face serious difficulties when attempting to remove broken pieces because the pieces cannot be adequately removed through the blind procedure developed by the manufacturer. This procedure only works for removing intact IUDs.

Who Can File A Paragard Lawsuit?

When negligent manufacturers fail to warn women of the risks of a medical device, and those women suffer injuries, the manufacturer can be held responsible. If you were implanted with a Paragard IUD and developed symptoms or complications related to the device, you could be eligible for an IUD lawsuit. This includes injuries from the device fracturing or splintering during its removal, uterus perforation, or complications from an ectopic pregnancy. Other potential injuries and complications include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), excessive bleeding, and additional complications removing the device. If you used a Paragard IUD as prescribed by a medical professional and developed any of these complications or injuries, contact our Paragard injury attorney today to discuss your legal options.

Why Do I Need A Lawyer?

Pharmaceutical companies are among the wealthiest and most powerful organizations in the world. Taking on a drug manufacturer without legal representation is an extremely difficult path. To have the best chance at being fairly compensated, you should work with a law firm that has the experience and resources needed to stand up to Big Pharma.

I Used Paragard. What Now?

Our qualified team of personal injury lawyers offers free case evaluations to determine if you may qualify for financial compensation. Our friendly, professional, and attentive staff and attorneys are respectful of your privacy.

As we continue our investigation into Paragard, we invite you to contact us for a free legal consultation. If we file a lawsuit on your behalf, you pay no out-of-pocket legal fees and no costs at all unless we recover money for you.